Unit 3: Camera Basics and Field Production Objectives: In this unit you will learn how a camera works, as well as basic production equipment. You will be introduced to field production which will be the foundation of your work this semester.
Module 1 - Basic Camera Functions
Standards: AAVTC-AVTFII-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry AAVTC-AVTFI-2 Understand and follow safety procedures when working with TV equipment. 2.1 State general safety rules for operation of equipment and learning activities specific to film and TV. 2.2 Perform safe practices when working on assignments. 2.3 Transport equipment safely and securely. AAVTC-AVTFI-3 Understand and utilize trade terminology in an appropriate manner. 3.1 Identify and utilize trade terminology in the media production lab. 3.2 Identify and utilize trade abbreviations and acronyms as appropriate. AAVTC-AVTFI-4 Demonstrate proper set-up and use of basic production equipment. 4.1 Demonstrate steps necessary to set-up, turn on, and operate equipment according to instructor’s directions. 4.4 Demonstrate proper camera movement. 4.9 Explain the care, storage, and use of media hardware and software.
Essential Questions: What are the basic functions of a video camera and how do I set it up for use properly?
ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Powerpoint and Workbook Activities
Please log in to your Google Classroom an complete the following activity.
Complete the Chapter 3 Workbook Activities on Pgs. 21-25 ONLY.
Take the Chapter 3 Quiz after completing your Workbook Activities.
Activity 2: Hands on Camera Work 1. Watch the Videos Below on Basic Camera Functions and Setting up a Tripod
2. Complete the In Class Lab. Follow the check off list provided HERE to be able to set up a tripod and camera to perform basic camera functions. After completing your lab meet with the teacher to review your results and get checked off. **PLEASE SEE ME FOR CAMERA EQUIPMENT**
ACTIVITY 3: Create a Video Showing Mastery 1. Using your phone or Surface, work with a partner to create a video that shows you correctly following the steps in the checklist setting up a tripod, and camera. You should explain each step of the process as you complete each step in the video. All items on the checklist must be demonstrated and explained in your video. 2. Upload your demonstration video to your Google Drive and then attach it in Google Classroom. 3. Check the rubric HERE to make sure you have all necessary components.
MODULE COMPLETION CHECKLIST Unit Due ___ Read and Review Chapter 3 Powerpoint Presentation ___ Complete Chapter 3 Workbook Activities ___ Complete Chapter 3 Quiz ___ Watch Basic Camera Functions Video ___ Complete the Basic Camera Functions Lab / Checked off by teacher