Objectives: In this unit you will learn about the different careers that are available in the broadcast field.
Standards: AAVTC-AVTFI-3 Understand and utilize trade terminology in an appropriate manner. 3.1 Identify and utilize trade terminology in the media production lab. 3.2 Identify and utilize trade abbreviations and acronyms as appropriate.
Essential Questions: What are some of our career opportunities in the broadcast field? Why is important to know the trade lingo?
ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Textbook and Workbook Step 1: Read Chapter 2 in our textbook and then review the Powerpoint HERE on Non-linear editing. (All materials available with audio upon request) Step 2: Complete the Chapter 2 workbook activities on pages 13-19 ONLY HERE. Put all of your answers in a Google Doc with your name and chapter number at the top. Then submit your document through Google Drive. Share it with me at [email protected]. Be sure you label it as FirstName_LastName_Chapter2. Make sure your document is PUBLIC, so that it can be viewed and graded. Step 3: Take the Chapter 2 Quiz HERE after you have submitted your Workbook Activities. Step 1: Look over and familiarize your self with the trade terms powerpoint. This will help explain what some of the career options are and discusses some of the basic trade terms that we will begin using.
Activity 2: Career Presentation The major project for this unit will be in the form of a partner presentation over one of the careers. Once you have a partner, come see me for your topic. You can find the project and rubric below:
Conclusion: Submit your reflection to me via Google Drive at [email protected]. Be sure to make the link public before sharing. It must be no less than 5 sentences about your experience during this unit. What did you learn? What was easy and difficult? What would you like to experience next based on what you have learned?
Unit Checklist: Due by ___ Read and Review Chapter 2 Powerpoint Presentation ___ Complete Chapter 2 Workbook Activities ___ Complete Chapter 2 Quiz ___ Complete the Career Presentation and PowerPoint ___ Submit unit reflection via Google Drive