Unit 3: Camera Basics and Field Production Objectives: In this unit you will learn how a camera works, as well as basic production equipment. You will be introduced to field production which will be the foundation of your work this semester.
Module 2: Camera Angles
Standards: AAVTC-AVTFII-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry AAVTC-AVTFI-4 Demonstrate proper set-up and use of basic production equipment. 4.1 Demonstrate steps necessary to set-up, turn on, and operate equipment according to instructor’s directions. 4.2 Use both traditional camcorders and non-traditional capture devices like DSLR cameras, smart phones and iPads to record and edit video. 4.3 Demonstrate proper picture composition techniques. 4.4 Demonstrate proper camera movement. 4.7 Demonstrate mastery of aesthetics to include composition, coordination, balance, and color contrast. 4.9 Explain the care, storage, and use of media hardware and software.
Essential Questions How does understanding camera functions, shot composition, and framing allow for more variety in productions?
ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Powerpoint Presentation and Workbook Activities
Please log in to your Google Classroom an complete the following activity.
Complete the Chapter 4 Workbook Activities on Pgs. 27-32 ONLY HERE.
Take the Chapter 4 Quiz after completing your Workbook Activities.
View the videos below for tips on camera angles, movement, and the rule of thirds.
Here is the powerpoint that you will need to review for Horizontal and Height Camera Angles. Camera Angles You must check with me to check for understanding of Camera Height and Horizontal Angles before continuing to activity
Activity 2: Hands on Work 1. Check out all gear and media pass. 2. Complete the following video scavenger hunt for subject distance - Subject Distance 3. Check footage at the end of each shoot day. 4. Complete the following video scavenger hunt for Horizontal Angles and Camera Height - Horizontal and Height 5. Use Movie Maker on your Surface to edit together your shots in 5 second clips and submit video using Google Classroom. Below is a video to help you get started with Movie Maker.
Conclusion: Submit your reflection to me via Google Classroom. It must be no less than 5 sentences about your experience during this unit. What did you learn? What was easy and difficult? What would you like to experience next based on what you have learned? MODULE COMPLETION CHECKLIST Unit Due ___ Read and Review Chapter 4 ___ Complete Chapter 4 Workbook Activities ___ Complete Chapter 4 Quiz ___ Watch Chapter 4 Tutorial Videos ___ Complete both Scavenger Hunts ___ Submit Reflection